dauid.com | Autolinks Generate text with ascending numbers

What's this?
When I want a bunch of links or pictures on a webpage and the only difference in the filenames is a number I can use this to write the link once, substituting the numbers with for example "NUM". The Javascript will generate all the links I need and I just have to copy and paste. Saves me time.

images/pictures/exampleNUM.jpg, images/pictures/exampleNUM_thumb.jpg

images/pictures/example01.jpg, images/pictures/example01_thumb.jpg
images/pictures/example02.jpg, images/pictures/example02_thumb.jpg
images/pictures/example03.jpg, images/pictures/example03_thumb.jpg

What's "Offset"?
If I want , say, picture 01 to link to picture 02 then I have to get the number 02 in there somehow. You can change offset to any number, it will then be added to the original number.

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